Dissertation Abstracts

The State, Huzu, and Peasants: Village Politics in Guanzhong Area, 1952-1966 -A Case Study of Huang Village

Author: Huang, Rui , huangrui1125@163.com
Department: Sociology
University: East China Normal University, China
Supervisor: Wen Jun
Year of completion: 2013
Language of dissertation: Chinese

Keywords: State , Huzu , Peasants , Village Politics
Areas of Research: Political Sociology , History of Sociology , Community Research


Influenced by the historical writings of infra politics between Subaltern Studies Group and the approaches of James Scott and Benedict Kerkvliet, the author draws on fieldwork in Huang Village in Guanzhong area, as well as historical archives and related background material. This thesis analyzes how state power system and ideology operate in Huang Village during Agricultural Cooperative Movement, Great Leap Forward and the Socialist Education Movement, and what strategies the Huzu, peasant, and cadres in Huang Village adopt when faced with state requirements.