Dissertation Abstracts

The Effect of Number of Siblings on Educational Attainment: Verifiy the Causality

Author: Hirschova, Marta , martahirschova@email.cz
Department: Institute of Sociological Studies
University: Charles University, Czech Republic
Supervisor: Milan Tucek
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: Czech

Keywords: number of siblings , stepsibling , educational attainme , instrumental variabl
Areas of Research: Family Research , Education , Stratification


Globally, there have been a great number of debates about the causality of the relationship between the number of siblings and varied outcomes (particularly, educational outcomes). This question has not been resolved yet. Therefore, the project will contribute to the debate by verifying the causal relationship between number of siblings and varied outcomes, using a new instrument: step siblings. The analysis will be carried out using primary data from quasi-experiment two stage and instrumental variable (IV estimator).