Dissertation Abstracts

Social Factors of Civil Society Development in Ukraine

Author: Matviychuk, Taras D, taras_xd@ukr.net
Department: Department of Sociology Faculty of Economics (2006)
University: Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine
Supervisor: Professor Andriy Horonzhyy
Year of completion: 2010
Language of dissertation: Ukrainian

Keywords: civil society , social capital , social identity , social communication
Areas of Research: Participation, Organizational Democracy and Self-Management , Social Indicators , Theory


This dissertation considers features of civil society development in Ukraine as social phenomena. The analysis of the Ukrainian civil society’s features during various historical periods is carried out. The study considers the role of communities in the development of civil society. The main conceptual approach of the thesis focuses on social factors that influence civil society's creation; these include: social capital, social identity and social communication. To understand how the state sees civil society development in Ukraine, interviews with experts were conducted, as well as interviews with students from the Lviv region.
Keywords: civil society, social capital, social identity, social communications, community, solidarity, social structure, self-government, liberty, trust.