Dissertation Abstracts

Impacts of Socio-Cultural Values on Child Health in Pakistan

Author: Asim, Muhammad , masim202@gmail.com
Department: Rural Sociology
University: University of Agriculture Faisalabad , Pakistan
Supervisor: Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Zafar
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: social and cultural values , child health , Children immunization status , child anthropometry
Areas of Research: Health , Childhood


Social and cultural values play an important and dynamic role in every human society. Every social and cultural value has its own customs which have significant influence on child and adult health. With every passing minute, a child dies from transmittable disease in Pakistan. Unsurprisingly, therefore, Pakistan faces a very high child mortality rate among developing countries. This research aims to explore the social, cultural and religious ideology that cause high mortality and morbidity rates in Pakistan. Factors such as the impact of cultural values on child health, child immunizations status, types of medication, and child anthropometric measurement will be explored. The universe of the present study will be comprised of Punjab province, Pakistan. Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be employed for data collection. A sample of 1000 respondents will be surveyed and 10 FGDs and IDIs will form province through multistage sampling technique. Data will be collected through a well designed survey. The collected data will be analyzed through SPSS.