Dissertation Abstracts


Author: Sontowartikno, Abdullah Sumrahadi, abdullahsumrahadi@gmail.com
Department: Sociology
University: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Supervisor: Professor. Heru Nugroho
Year of completion: 2010
Language of dissertation: Indonesian

Keywords: Awareness , Text , Movement , Rock
Areas of Research: Economy and Society , Language and Society , Political Sociology


In the development of scientific research method today, known there are two methods, the first is a research model based on quantitative methods, and the second is a research model based on qualitative methods. In its development those two types of such research models experience are ups and downs follow the scientific trends that were built by the scholars so that the form of the debate does not end. This phenomenon is in line with the directions and objectives of the research goals are to find the truth within the framework of scientific truth. In the process of finding for the truth, it certainly would not be apart from a few errors, and then the truth in the world of research is the hypothetical truth. Quantitative research methods are basically still has a double meaning; with it is necessary given the clarification and explained in the application of the practical limit.

On the paradigmatic level quantitative methods has the connotations as thinking patterns flow on positivistic school of thought, finally quantitative methods have always interpreted as the scientific research which departed from theorization concepts or looking for justification or verification on the empirical plains of, which later developed into positivism. The definition if faced with qualitative research as an approach, a well-known process starts from empirical observations in the field to further seek to be fragmented for concept development, the empirical generalizations, which opened up opportunities for the establishment of theory and law, therefore will be conflicting.

This research was written with the goal on making the map and succinct readings on the two trends in scientific research methods. With an emphasis on strength critique on the approach of survey (quantitative; objective) and discuss it with qualitative approaches (subjective) in dialogically works. Discussion on proposed paper is sourced from the experience of research conducted by the author, and interpretive social sciences will be the main focus as an experience from inside. These paper may indicate form of construction and pattern from each approach model on how approaching reality. The conclusion there is not good and not bad, only then can be read which advantages and disadvantages of each to complement each other. At this point the contributions of Neo Kantian philosophers have a strong role when constructed the basic ideas on philosophy of social research.