Dissertation Abstracts

Beautiful Prison: Geopolitics of everyday life in Kashmir

Author: Mishra, Yogesh , anhalak@gmail.com
Department: HSS
University: IISERM, India
Supervisor: Dr. Anu Sabhlok
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: Conflcit , Kashmir , Everyday , History and Memory
Areas of Research: Body in the Social Sciences , Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution , Political Sociology


This thesis is an ethnographic account of everyday life in a conflict zone. I look at the intricate tapestry of life in the conflict prone area of the Kashmir Valley. My particular emphasis is on the spatial aspects of everyday life amidst socio-political turmoil. I start my ethnographic journey by analyzing the notion of normalcy in Kashmir and further move to examine the geopolitics of everyday life in this region.

I focus on the taken-for-granted mundane activities of people's lives to understand the meanings hidden beneath the apparent normal routine and the ways in which a geopolitical conflict manifests itself in the everyday lives of people living in that conflict zone.