International Sociology and International Sociology Reviews

Guidelines for Submitting Reviews

At the beginning of the submission, give the title, or titles, of the publication(s) dealt with, the author(s), name(s) of the publisher(s), place (s) of publication (including state if in the USA), year(s) of publication, number(s) of pages (stating whether or not this includes an index), cover price, and ISBN (for both hardback and paperback if available).

  • Avoid using footnotes. Give only essential references; these should be in the same format as for the articles in International Sociology, and should be placed at the end of the text submitted.
  • Please suggest up to five ‘key words' or phrases likely to give guidance on the relevance of the material under review to the reader's interests. It would probably be helpful if one or two of those could be relatively general (e.g. ‘sociology of religion'), while others might be much more specific. Remember, these not only help the reader, but may also affect the appearance of the review in response to computer searches by topic. Also provide a word count.
  • At the end of the submission, please give your name, title, institutional affiliation, full postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers. 
  • Manuscripts should, if possible, be submitted initially by e-mail, to facilitate easy interchange of queries and comments. If that is not possible, they should be typed in double spacing [including notes and references] on one side of the paper only, and 2 copies should be sent to the Editor of ISR.
  • In using a word processor, please note the following points: type without justification, and do not insert hyphen breaks or other hard returns except to indicate the end of a paragraph; avoid embedded fonts or any dedicated notes programs – use the same program as for the main text; use the same size type throughout. 
  • The final text of accepted reviews should be sent as an e-mail attachment , preferably in Word for Windows, together with two hard copies. The hard copies will be double spaced, on A4 paper.
  • Once your submission has been accepted, you will be sent a legal form to sign which assigns the copyright of your article to Sage. Sage permits you to publish the whole or part of the review elsewhere in work written or compiled by you, as long as appropriate acknowledgements are made.
  • You will be sent proofs of your review for correction. Please make any corrections needed promptly, and return the proofs as instructed.
  • You will be sent 5 off-prints of your review, by the publisher, Sage. If you want these sent to a different address from that given at the end of the review, please supply the appropriate address.

Each submission will be given careful editorial attention, and questions may be raised with the contributor before a final version is accepted. There may also be some editing for language, especially where the contributor is not a native speaker of English, but any non-trivial suggestions will be discussed with the contributor to ensure that the intended meaning has been retained.

Contributors are encouraged to raise issues with the editor at an early stage if they are not certain of the best way to proceed, and their suggestions of the most effective ways to fulfil our remit - even if those go beyond the points made above - will be warmly welcomed.

Please note: The necessary complexity of the editorial processes, as well as possible delays in international postal services, imply that prompt attention to queries and serious adherence to deadlines are of the highest importance.