Research Committees


Revised in 2006, 2012 and 2014


  1. The purpose of the Research Committee on Sociology of Aging (RC 11) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) is to encourage research of high quality on aging within and between countries.


  1. To fulfil this purpose, the Committee engages in the following activities:
    1. It organizes the sessions on the Sociology of Aging at the meetings of the ISA.
    2. It sponsors international seminars on topics of theoretical, methodological or substantive importance as well as international training seminars to add to the skills of researchers in the Sociology of Aging.
    3. It supports the publication of matters of importance in the sociological research area of aging.
    4. It develops an international roster of sociologists of aging for individuals and organizations seeking consultation or research associates.
    5. It fosters the development of cross-national sociological research on aging through the international membership involvement in the research committee meetings and communications.
    6. It keeps its members informed of RC 11 activities.
    7. It engages in additional activities approved by the Executive Committee with the consent of the membership.


  1. Membership in the committee is open to all members of national sociological societies, members of research institutes affiliated with the ISA, research oriented members of national and international organizations on aging, as well as non-affiliated individual scholars who have demonstrated interest in the area through teaching or research activities.
  2. In order to be a regular member of RC 11, one must be a member in good standing of the ISA. The individual becomes a member with full voting rights and other privileges of membership upon acceptance of one's application by the Secretary, who reports to the Executive Management Group, and payment of annual dues. Non-payment of dues 2 will lead to loss of membership six months after the final period paid for.
  3. RC 11 does not accept Affiliated Members.
  4. Dues are paid through the ISA Secretariat, with dues then sent to the Research Committee Treasurer. Dues shall be paid for a four-year period. The fee for the different types of membership is fixed by the Executive Management Group. The membership fees shall be specified in an Addendum to the Statutes (see below).


  1. The Board shall comprise a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Newsletter Editor and up to twelve (12) officers-at-large.
  2. The Executive Committee will be elected from and by the voting membership.
  3. In the case of a vacancy in the office of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer or Communications Officer, the Executive Committee shall elect an interim officer until the end of the uncompleted term, should it be necessary to fill the office. Temporary vacancies in the Board between consecutive ISA World Congresses may be filled by appointment by the President, in accordance with ISA Statute 4.5.
  4. The places of any Board member not in good standing with either the ISA or RC11 may be declared temporarily vacant by the President, at the President’s discretion, and the vacancy filled according to paragraph (b).
  5. The President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer shall comprise an Executive Management Group (EMG).


  1. Election of officers will be held by ballot once every four years in the year of the ISA meeting.
  2. Eligibility for election and for voting will be limited to those on the Secretary's list of regular members with paid membership in both RC 11 and in the ISA. Each member of the Board must at all times during their terms of office remain both a member in good standing of the ISA in accordance with the ISA Statutes, and a member in good standing of RC11.
  3. A majority of those voting will constitute election for President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Officer. Election for the officers-at-large shall be by a plurality of votes cast.
  4. Run-off elections will be held if necessary.
  5. Term of office for the President will be for four years. The term of office in the Executive Committee will be four years with re-election for any position limited to one term.
  6. Nominations will be overseen by a Nominating Committee, consisting of the out-going President and two RC11 members who are not candidates for office.
  7. Nomination will be made:
  1. By the membership, following an announced Call for Nominations, through an emailed nomination to the Chair of the Nominations Committee. A single Nominator is required.
  2. By the membership at the business meeting, with a Nominator and Seconder.
  3. If no nominations are received, the Nominating Committee will propose candidates.
  4. All members nominated by email or at the business meeting and who accept nomination shall be presented as candidates for election. Candidates are listed alphabetically for each position on the Executive. A short biographical statement may accompany the election ballot for each candidate.


  1. The President
  1. The President as chief executive of the RC 11 shall preside at the meetings of the RC 11 and its Executive.
  2. The President will be responsible for seeing that the sessions of the RC 11 at the ISA meetings are organized.
  3. The President will initiate and carry out policies in conformity to the RC 11’s purpose as specified by the Executive and the membership.
  4. The President will serve as the committee representative to the Research Council of ISA.
  1. The Secretary
  1. The Secretary is responsible for communicating RC 11 activities and plans to the members no less often than once a year. These include the time and place as well as the organizers of seminars and workshops and ISA sessions sponsored by the RC 11.
  2. The Secretary shall report at least annually to the Secretary-General of the ISA, current and planned activities of the RC 11 and other matters of common concern.
  3. The Secretary shall prepare a membership list to be used for nominating and electing purposes as provided for in Article V, Sections B and F.
  4. The Secretary shall announce to the membership the time and place of the general meeting.


  1. The Treasurer
  1. The Treasurer is the financial officer of the RC 11, and is responsible for making disbursements under the overall supervision of the Executive.
  2. The Treasurer submits an annual financial report to the Executive Committee for their approval. A statement of financial affairs will be given by the Treasurer every four years to the Board of RC 11 and to the Business Meeting Assembly. The Treasurer must be discharged of their financial responsibilities by the Business Meeting Assembly.


  1. The Communications Officer

The Communications Officer is responsible for the production of at least two issues a year of the RC 11 Newsletter, or the equivalent in the form of a regularly updated website.

  1. The Vice-Presidents
  1. The Vice-Presidents will assist the President and Secretary in decisions concerning the organization and sponsorship of RC 11 seminars and workshops. During their term as VP, each incumbent is normally expected to serve as a Program Chair or Co-Chair for an inter-Congress meeting (either in conjunction with the ISA World Forums or independently).
  2. The Vice Presidents will serve as alternates to the Research Council of ISA. Selection of alternate will be made by the President or, if the President is not available, by agreement between the two Vice-Presidents
  3. The Vice-Presidents will work with the President to ensure that a sufficient number and range of nominations are received for the elections of officers of the Executive Committee and officers-at-large.


  1. Officers-at-Large
  1. Officers-at-Large will recruit members regionally to expand the international scope of membership.
  2. With the approval of the Executive Management Group, Officers-at-Large will organize regional meetings to foster more international involvement at regional levels.
  3. Officers-at-large are responsible for contributions to the RC 11 Newsletter on an annual basis.
  4. Officers-at-large are responsible for promoting the activities of RC 11, outlined in Section II.


  1. The officials listed in Article IV, Section E, constitute the Executive Management Group.
  2. The Executive Management Group meets at least once every four years before the meeting of the RC 11 membership to set general policy for the RC 11.
  3. Major new activities undertaken by the RC11 must first be approved by the Executive Managenent Group.


  1. Program Sub-Committee
  2. The Executive Management Group will constitute a sub-committee to consider offers from RC 11 members or representatives of other organizations to organize programs such as conferences, seminars, workshops and publications under RC 11 sponsorship or joint sponsorship.
  3. The Executive Management Group will decide which offers to accept on the basis of the guidelines set forth in Article IX.
  4. Other Sub-Committees
  1. The President, with the consent of the Executive Management Group, may appoint such other sub-committees as is necessary to carry out the objectives of RC 11.
  2. Terms of office of sub-committee Chair and members shall not be longer than the term of office of the President.
  3. Changes in the Chairperson must have Executive Management Group approval.


  1. At least one Inter-Congress meeting must be held between ISA world congresses.
  2. The membership of the occasional training or topic-oriented program, such as seminars and workshops sponsored or cosponsored by the RC 11, should reflect its international composition.
  3. Individuals who wish to organize a seminar or workshop may present their ideas to the Executive Management Group.
  4. The Secretary will circulate to the membership the organizer's name(s), seminar subject(s), location and time.
  5. Members wishing to participate may write to the organizers giving their competencies and interests.
  6. Local RC 11 organizers will have the final decision as to the programme.


The RC 11 as an international organization cannot itself engage in research activities. It can, however, promote ideas for international research projects among individual members.


  1. The general meeting of members shall be held in conjunction with the ISA meetings.
  2. Announcement of the general meeting will be mailed to members at least three months in advance along with a tentative agenda of business.
  3. Action may be taken at any general meeting by a majority of members present and voting. On any issue, a majority (over half) of members present may request a secret ballot.
  4. A written petition of 20 members to the President within six months following the general meeting can institute a mail ballot to the membership on any issue presented at the general meeting.


  1. Proposals for amendments to the by-laws may be made to the Secretary. The Secretary shall inform the Executive Committee of the proposals received, and shall subsequently circulate them by appropriate means among all members with a brief explanation of their rationale, at least three months before the next world congress.
  2. The amendments shall be adopted if approved by the majority of those present and voting.


  1. The RC 11 welcomes the efforts of other international and national organizations to promote the meeting of sociologists of aging to encourage their research.
  2. The RC 11 seeks to cooperate with such organizations on issues of common interest through joint program sponsorship or such other activities as will serve to advance its purpose.


The membership fees are as follows:
US$ 40 for members from "category A" countries as defined by the ISA
US$ 20 for members from all other countries and student; Life Members are also encouraged, but not obliged, to pay at this rate.
In line with ISA practice, membership fees cover a period of four years.