Dissertation Abstracts

Women’s Underrepresentation in Organizational Authority

Author: Dragana Stojmenovska, dragana.stojmenovska82@gmail.com
Department: Department of Sociology
University: University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Supervisor: Dr. Stephanie Steinmetz
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: women , representation , authority , organizations
Areas of Research: Stratification , Women in Society , Organization


In my PhD project, funded by a Research Talent grant awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), I investigate women’s underrepresentation in organizational authority (in the Netherlands) from an organizational perspective. Specifically, I look into (1) why women are underrepresented in authority to varying degrees across organizations and industrial sectors, (2) how explanations of women’s underrepresentation in authority vary across organizational contexts, and (3) how the organizational context and individual explanations interconnect to (re)produce women’s underrepresentation in authority.