Dissertation Abstracts

Changing Social Relations of HIV infected people with Families and Comunities

Author: Narayan Satyal, nsatyal123@gmail.com
Department: Sociology
University: Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Supervisor: Dr. Gyanu Chhetry (Bista)
Year of completion: 2018
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: Social change , Stigma , Discrimination
Areas of Research: Health , Family Research , Community Research


Present study tries to explore the condition of stigma and discrimination faced by HIV infected people in their respective families and communities. Kathmandu valley has been taken as the study area and samples were collected from different offices concerned with HIV/AIDS like NGOs and INGOs, CCCs and from ART centers of hospital. The study has combined both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study has been conducted with the adoption of two theoretical perspectives; stigma and discrimination theory and social change theory. The findings show that HIV infected people are facing multidimensional stigma, discrimination, blames, restrictions, ban, loathing and hateful behavior by their own families, community members, neighbors, and many more people who comes in daily contact with them. In schools, colleges, work places, public places, even at hospitals HIV infected people have been facing uneven problems. However the social relations have not been found same as they are changing gradually. Behavioral change of families, community members and the public people has altered the perceptive to look at the HIV infected people. As a consequence, HIV infected people are facing the problem in multidisciplinary sectors of social life, namely at educational institutions, health sectors, market and the public sectors of social life. The problem associated with HIV and AIDS related illness has caused discontinuation of study, restriction in getting health facilities at hospitals, creating problem to run occupation and hold a job. This has made the survival of the respondents more difficult. Finally the role of family and community is equally responsible for changing the perspective and behavior of respective members. Increasing stigma and discrimination turning the survival, livelihood, empowerment of people living with HIV and AIDS to the deep trench of inhumane practices and survival has been turning to difficult mode of social life.