Dissertation Abstracts

The Relationship of Social Environment’s Effects with Juvenile Delinquency and Problem Behaviours

Author: Sevgi Çoban, coban.sevgi@gmail.com
Department: Sociology
University: Hacettepe University, Turkey
Supervisor: Tulin Gunsen-Icli
Year of completion: 2013
Language of dissertation: Turkish

Keywords: juvenile delinquency , correction system , victimization
Areas of Research: Deviance and Social Control , Childhood , Youth


In this research, the relationship between victimization of the children in social environments such as family, peer group, school and neighborhood and their participation in problem behaviours and crime have been investigated. The regulations of juvenile justice system within the context of this relationship has also been examined. A questionnaire has been applied among 240 children in reformatory facilities and centers for children at risk in Ankara, Izmir and Diyarbakir cities. Results show that there is a significant relationship between delinquency and problem behaviours. Family neglect, working at early ages, living on the streets and substance abuse have a significant relationship with problem behaviours and delinquency. Results related to peer group indicate that children have similar types of problem behaviours and delinquent behaviours with peers’. School violence victimization is related to problem behaviours but not related to delinquency. Victimization of neighborhood crimes and violence is not related to problem behaviours or delinquency. While family factors have a primary role in children’s participation in delinquency; family, peers and school environment all have effects on problem behaviours.