Dissertation Abstracts

ICT, Work and Networking in the Informal Sector - A study of Delhi

Author: Shweta Phulwari, shweta_pawar12006@yahoo.com
Department: Sociology, SOSS
University: IGNOU university, Delhi, India
Supervisor: Debal K Singharoy
Year of completion: In progress
Language of dissertation: English

Keywords: ICT , Networking , Informal sector , Work
Areas of Research: Science and Technology , Work , labour market


In the contemporary world, ICTs have emerged as a powerful tool to organize each and every aspect of life of the people in the society. The penetration of ICTs immediately remains concentrated only among the limited section of the population who happened to be economically rich, educationally enlightened and politically powerful. Now ICT has been a tool for communication, networking and work participation of each and every segment of the population. The workers in the informal sector, who are predominantly from the socially and economically marginalized section of the society, have met ICTs an efficient tool in their everyday working life. Against this backdrop, the study aims to examine the role of ICTs in the functioning, and socio-cultural networking of the workers in the Informal sector and to elaborate the process of empowerment and subordination of workforce through ICT in Informal sector. The study has attempted to explore following questions: ? What have been the form and extent usage of ICTs in informal sector ? How have the ICTs been able in bringing change in the working condition in Informal Sector. ? What have been the impacts of ICTs on the patterns of recruitment and functional of the workers in Informal Sector ? How uses of ICTs brought change in life, livelihood and in the process of empowerment of the workers in Informal Sector. ? What have been the forms of Social Networking among the workers in the Informal Sector through ICTs? ? What have been the role of ICTs in breaking the spatial (Rural-Urban) and social (Caste, Gender, Ethnic, & Religion) barriers of interaction among the workers in the Informal Sector. ? Whether the ICTs induced working and social environment has brought opportunities of empowerment or subordination for the workers in this sector. The present study will focus on informal sector in Delhi, consists of two varieties of units: (i) Informal units i.e informal workers in the informal sector: It will consist of construction sector, transport, vendors. (ii) Informal workers in Formal sector: It will consist of delivery boys, courier company boys, delivery boys in e-commerce. The survey areas will be selected on purposive sampling basis Total of 120 samples will be taken in this study. To increase accuracy and ensure adequate item response, the survey will be conducted through face to face interviews. Tool for Data Collection: includes interview schedule, non-participant observation and case study techniques. The technique of applying interview schedule is to be used to establish direct contact with the respondents. Delhi being a capital of India, close to 94% population resides in urban areas. Thus the city serves as an excellent case study to fulfill the objectives. Being a capital of India, it is also hub for functioning of ICT an formal and Informal Sector both, where the workers use ICTs especially mobiles phones for their livelihood as well as to foster the social ties among their kin. Information will be collected from the secondary sources as well, by reviewing of literature on the related subject.