Dissertation Abstracts

By the law and by struggle: forms of land claims sociogenesis, 1950-1964

Author: Alves, Bernard JP, bernardjpa@yahoo.com.br
Department: Departamento de Ciências Sociais
University: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
Supervisor: Fernando Antonio Lourenço
Year of completion: 2015
Language of dissertation: Portuguese

Keywords: Agrarian Reform , States Governments , Pernambuco , Rio Grande do Sul
Areas of Research: Historical and Comparative Sociology , Social Classes and Social Movements , Biography and Society


The period before the military coup of 1964 was marked by profound social tensions in the Brazilian rural area, with the active participation of organized groups demanding land reform projects and access to rights. This research proposes an analysis of different forms of struggle put into practice in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Pernambuco between the late 1950s and early 1960s. The gaucho state was the scene for a series of demonstrations that were legitimized by the actions promoted especially during the administration of Leonel Brizola (1959-1963), by using existing legal provisions in the state constitution. In the state of Pernambuco emerged the Peasant Leagues (Ligas Camponesas), a movement that embodied much of the struggle for land reform in the country at the time, settling room for advanced measures, such as the unionization of agricultural workers, introduced in the short government of Miguel Arraes (1963-1964). Thus, the thesis seeks to identify how different ways of coping with problems in the rural area contributed directly or indirectly to the consolidation of instruments of struggle that remained as a source of strength even after the advance of repression imposed by the military regime.