Dissertation Abstracts

From The Mass Worker to Social Worker: İmmaterial Labour and White Collars

Author: Uca, Onur , onuruca33@gmail.com
Department: Sociology
University: Ege University, Turkey
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aylin Nazlı
Year of completion: 2015
Language of dissertation: Turkish

Keywords: immaterial labour , middle class , justification
Areas of Research: Social Classes and Social Movements , Economy and Society


In this dissertation it is claimed that immaterial labour is hegemonic on other labour forms today. Within this contex, it was intended to analytically explain the outlines of immaterial labour and define how its mechanism works in Turkey. A fieldwork in İstanbul was carried out to achieve this aim and subsequently the process of fieldwork and how the data collected and analysed were explicated. Data gathered was combined with immaterial labour theory and view of sociology of justification. Thus, the spirits of immaterial labour which are fairness, domination, security, excitement and justification were detected. Then, immaterial labour workers were classified into the groups named A, B, C, D with regard to the spirits of immaterial labour and relation of production. Immaterial labour workers were considered as social types so that groups and relations of group members could be explained. The dissertations’s aims and the worth of immaterial labour was indicated in the conclusion. Consequently, the photo of immaterial labour and its life style in Turkey was taken and presented by this dissertation to the reader.