National Associations

Regions and Nations in the Spotlight

Select a region to access a selection of article series and special issues from ISA publications, offering sociological perspectives from different regional or national standpoints:

Below is a selection of ISA edited volumes that assemble sociological perspectives and practices in different countries and regions all over the world:

  • Sociologies in Dialogue by Sari Hanafi and Chin-Chun Yi (eds.), SAGE Studies in International Sociology, SAGE Publications, 2020
  • Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for a Global Sociology by Michael Burawoy, Mau-kuei Chang and Michelle Fei-yu Hsieh (eds.), The Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica, Council of National Associations of the ISA, and Academia Sinica, 2010
    - Volume I: Introduction, Latin America and Africa
    - Volume II: Asia
    - Volume III: Europe, and Concluding Reflections
  • Social Knowledge: Heritage, Challenges, Perspectives, ISA Regional Volumes 1996-1998. These ten volumes are meant to represent the state of social knowledge in ten regions of the world.

And videos too: