Research Committees

RC43 Housing and Built Environment

Contact the RC43 at

Established in 1990


To create an international community among scholars in the field of housing and the built environment; to promote the development of social science theory and research on housing and the built environment; to contribute to informed decisions regarding intervention in and invention of housing and the built environments supportive of human needs.

Board 2024 - 2027

Co-Presidents Helena CERMEÑO, University of Kassel, Germany,
Greta WERNER, The University of Sydney, Australia,
Secretary Paulina NEISCH, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Treasurer Laura GOH, The University of Sydney, Australia,
Communication Manager Kristine STIPHANY, University at Buffalo, United States,
Board Members Can CUI, East China Normal University, China
Mercedes DI VIRGILIO, Universidad de Buenos Aires CONICET, Argentina
Laura GOH, University of Sydney, Australia
Margaret HADERER, TU Wien, Austria
Youqin HUANG, University at Albany, SUNY, United States
Alan MORRIS, University of technology Sydney, Australia
Sophie NEMOZ, University of Franche-Comté, France
Past President Flavio A.M. DE SOUZA, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil

Program Coordinators for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 are:


Dues 4 years
Regular US 40
Category B countries  US 30
Category C countries & students US 20

To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:


Housing Notes. Membership newsletter, published twice a year.

2020     Jul    
2019 Feb        
2018 Feb        
2017 Feb     Sep  
2016         Oct
2015   Jun      
2011 Jan        
2010     Jul    
2009     Jul   Dec
2008     Jul   Dec