Research Committees


Since 1993, it has been an obligation of every ISA Research Committee to have Statutes, failing which the Research Committee will lose the right to be represented in the ISA Research Council, to nominate members of the executive, and to receive a newsletter grant.

RC43 has not until now had Statutes. The Statutes that follow have been modelled after those of RC21. They have been reviewed and endorsed by our Executive Council.

I. The Research Committee on Housing and the Built Environment is referred to hereinafter as RC43.

II. Nature of RC43

  1. RC43 has been established in accordance with Article Four of the ISA statutes adopted in August 1993.
  2. RC43 raises its funds by levying a subscription on its members, and in other ways.
  3. RC43 administers its funds in accordance with Article Four of the ISA Statutes.

III. Objectives of RC43

The objectives of the RC43 are:

  1. to create an international community among scholars in the field of housing and the built environment.
  2. to promote the development of social science theory and research on housing and the built environment.
  3. to contribute to informed decisions regarding intervention in and invention of housing and the built environments supportive of human needs.

IV. Activities of RC43

The activities of RC43 in pursuit of these objectives include, among other things,

  1. the publication of a Newsletter and a Directory of members.
  2. the promotion of conferences and similar activities.
  3. the promotion of comparative research
  4. the encouragement of research networks and exchanges of information.

V. Membership

  1. Membership is open to all individuals and institutions in the field of housing and the built environment.
  2. Membership entitles members
    • to receive the RC43 Newsletter, a Directory of members, and such other publications as RC43 may issue
    • to receive travel grants made by RC43, subject to such rules of eligibility as are established by the Executive Council of RC43
    • to obtain at reduced cost any publications on which RC43 has negotiated special rates for members
    • to vote at the Business Meetings of RC43
  3. Members are obliged
    • to observe the statutes of RC43
    • to carry out conscientiously any tasks entrusted to them by the Business Meeting or other competent bodies of RC43;
    • to pay membership fees at the rates which are periodically fixed by the officers or the Executive Council of RC43

VI. Officers

  1. The officers of RC43 are at present the President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Newsletter Editor.
  2. The officers of RC43 shall carry out conscientiously the tasks entrusted to them by the Executive Council of RC43.
  3. Among the tasks of the officers are:
    • to be responsible for communications with the ISA
    • to be responsible for preparing a scientific programme for RC43 at the World Congress of Sociology
    • to arrange the Business Meetings of RC43
    • to maintain a bank account
    • to execute all decisions and be responsible for the running of RC43 between Business Meetings.
    • to submit reports on their activities at each Business Meeting of RC43. These shall include reports on the Research Committee's activities, its Newsletter and its financial position.
  4. The number of officers may be increased or decreased in order to maximize the effectiveness of the work of RC43.
  5. Decisions on the number of officers shall be made either at a Business Meeting, or, between Business Meetings by the Executive Council.
  6. Officers shall be elected at a Business Meeting, see Art. VII
  7. If any officer resigns or is unable to serve then the remaining officers, with the advice of the Executive Council, shall appoint a replacement.

VII. Business Meetings

  1. A business meeting of RC43 shall be held during each World Congress of Sociology in addition, interim meetings may be held.
  2. Its functions are:
    1. to receive reports on the work of RC43 since the last business meeting
    2. to elect the Executive Council and officers of RC43
    3. to give guidance regarding the work of RC43, by passing resolutions or by other means.

VIII. The Executive Council of RC43

  1. The Executive Council consists of:
    • two ex-officio members: the founding and the immediate past President
    • the elected officers: at present the President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and
    • eight elected ordinary members.
  2. The members of the Executive Council of RC43 shall be elected as detailed in Art. IX
  3. In accordance with Article 4.6 of the ISA Constitution, every officer of the RC43 Executive Council shall be a member of the ISA.
  4. Any change in the number of elected members on the Executive Council shall be decided at a Business Meeting but before the election takes place.
  5. The officers shall be entitled to co-opt up to two members between Business Meetings.
  6. In the case of resignation or inability to serve of an Executive Council member, the officers have the power to co-opt a replacement.
  7. The functions of the Executive Council are:
    • to promote all the activities of RC43
    • to give advice to the officers on any matter relevant to RC43.

IX. Electoral Procedures for the Elected Officers and Members of the Executive Council of RC43

  1. The election for Elected Officers and Executive Council Members shall take place at a Business Meeting
  2. All RC43 members in good standing and present at the Business Meeting shall be eligible to vote.
  3. All nominations must be submitted to the President no later than 12 hours before the start of the Business Meeting. Nomination papers must have support in writing of three RC43 members in good standing other than the nominee.
  4. If no nominations have been received in time, the officers of RC43 shall be empowered to nominate officers and members of the Executive Council.
  5. The quorum for the Business Meeting shall be 20 members.
  6. If the Business Meeting is inquorate the officers, advised by the Executive Council, shall designate a new Executive Council and officers.
  7. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
  8. In the election for ordinary elected members the n persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The figure n is identical to the number of ordinary members elected at the previous Business Meeting, unless it has been changed by a motion passed subsequently. In the event of a tie, the choice among those receiving the same number of votes shall be decided by a run-off. Membership of the Executive Council shall be limited to two consecutive terms of 4 years (i.e., a maximum of 8 years).

X. Amendment of Statutes

  1. Any motion to amend the statutes shall be sent to the Secretary for publication in the RC43 Newsletter.
  2. Such motions should have the written support of ten members of RC43 in good standing.
  3. Motions to amend the statutes will be considered at Business Meetings of the RC43, and come into effect if supported by a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote.