Social Justice & Democratization Space
It gives me great pleasure to work with the SJD Space of the International Sociological Association initiated by former ISA VP Research Margaret Abraham, with Vineeta Sinha previously at the editorial helm (2013-2014) and from whom I have succeeded in serving as the current editor since 2015. This space is conceptualized as a digital ‘landing platform’ for ISA members. It is meant to be a dynamic and multifaceted portal that stores and disseminates a range of resources for a global community of sociologists, engaged in diverse practices ranging from policy work to activism to teaching and research.
The SJD Space serves the needs of contemporary sociologists who are increasingly drawn to novel ways of thinking about sociological knowledge and different ways of communicating these. This space can simultaneously ‘hold’ archives and an inventory of current material. Its flexibility enables a focus beyond the initial specific focus on social justice and democratization which is anticipated. The digital nature of this publication finds a good fit here and serves well its function of communication and being a repository of sociological knowledge.
I invite members of the ISA, Research Committees, Working Groups and Thematic Groups, as well as the National Associations to visit the SJD Space and participate actively in utilizing it and constituting it. All suggestions and feedback are welcome on how to better use the Space. SJD now also has presence on Facebook and this medium offers yet another form of connectivity and interaction to ISA members.
Thank you.
Kelvin Low
Editor, ISA SJD Space