Research Committees

RC17 Sociology of Organizations


To establish contacts and to encourage collaboration among scholars working in the field of the sociology of organizations throughout the world; to enhance international cooperation and exchange in theoretical and empirical research in the sociology of organizations; to link theoretical and empirical research in the sociology of organizations with related specialist fields or disciplines such as economics, industrial relations, organizational behaviour, and management theory.

To know more about the history of RC17, click here.

Board 2023 - 2027

President Michael GROTHE-HAMMER, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway,
Vice-President Kathia SERRANO VELARDE, Heidelberg University, Germany
Secretary Christopher DORN, Bielefeld University, Germany,
Treasurer Robert VAN KRIEKEN, University of Sydney, Australia,
Board Members Heloise BERKOWITZ, CNRS, LEST, Aix Marseille Université, France
Catherine CASLER, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
Stewart CLEGG, University of Sydney, Australia
Thiago DUARTE PIMENTEL, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Paul DU GAY, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom & Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Adrienne HAWLEY, Ireland
Robert JUNGMANN, Trier University, Germany
Dean PIERIDES, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Leopold RINGEL, Bielefeld University, Germany
Anna SKRIPCHENKO, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany

Program Coordinators for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 are:
Christopher DORN,


The Journal of Organizational Sociology is an open access journal published by De Gruyter in association with ISA RC17. It seeks to offer a specifically sociological perspective on organization(s) and regards itself as a vehicle for the promotion of the ISA’s general conception of a global sociology. Editors-in-chief: Michael Grothe-Hammer and Robert Jungmann.



Archive available on RC17 website.


RC17 dues:
US $ 20 for a four-year period for members from "category A" countries as defined by the ISA.
US $ 10 for a four-year period for members from all other countries and student members.
US $ 10 onetime fee for Life Members. For the minimum age of Life members see ISA individual membership guidelines.
US $ 80 for a four-year period for supporter members. Supporter membership is a regular membership but with a higher fee that can be paid voluntarily to support RC17. 
US $ 80 onetime fee for supporter life members. Voluntary supporter life membership is a regular life membership but with a higher fee that can be paid voluntarily to support RC17.
To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:
The fees for affiliated members are set to zero (US $ 0). To join as affiliated member, contact RC17 Secretary.