Research Committees


Revised 2002, 2010, 2012, 2014


The Research Committee on the Sociology of Urban and Regional Development is referred to hereinafter as RC21.


  1. RC21 has been established in accordance with Article Four of the ISA statutes adopted in August 1993.
  2. RC21 raises its funds by levying a subscription on its members, and in other ways.
  3. RC21 administers its funds in accordance with Article Four of the ISA Statutes.


The objectives of the RC21 are:

  1. to promote the development of theory and research in the sociology of urban and regional development;
  2. to create an international community among scholars in the field of sociology of urban and regional development.


The activities of RC21 in pursuit of these objectives include, among other things:

  1. the maintenance of a regularly updated website,
  2. the dissemination of news about the activities of the RC via e-mail and other forms of social media
  3. the promotion of conferences and similar activities;
  4. the provision of travel grants to members in good standing and affiliated members;
  5. the promotion of comparative research;
  6. the encouragement of research networks and exchanges of information;
  7. the promotion of Summer/Winter Schools targeted at young scholars and researchers.


  1. Membership is open to all individuals working in the field of the sociology of urban and regional development and neighboring disciplines;
  2. Membership can be distinguished into two types, in accordance with the ISA Statutes:
    1. “regular members in good standing” are defined as those members who paid membership fees to both RC21 and ISA;
    2. “affiliated members” are defined as those members who paid membership fees only to RC21. This distinction applies to both individual and institutional members;
  3. Regular members in good standing are entitled to: a) receive travel and registration grants given by ISA and RC21, subject to such rules of eligibility as are established by the officers or Board of RC21; b) vote at the General Meeting of RC21 which usually takes place during an ISA or RC21 congress, or to vote by electronic ballot at any election or other consultation on specific issues organized by the RC21 board; c) stand for election as officers and board members of RC21.
  4. Affiliated members are entitled to: a) to receive travel and registration grants given by RC21 (for events organized by RC21 alone), subject to such rules of eligibility as are established by the officers or Board of RC21; b) to vote at the General Meeting of RC21 which usually takes place during an ISA or RC21 congress, or to vote by electronic ballot at any election or other consultation on specific issues organized by the RC21 board;
  5. All members are entitled to: a) to receive the RC21 news e-mails and such other publications as RC21 may issue; b) to obtain at reduced cost any publications on which RC21 has negotiated special rates for members.
  6. All members are obliged: a) to observe the statutes of RC21; b) to carry out conscientiously any tasks entrusted to them by the General Meeting or other competent bodies of RC21; c) to pay membership fees at the rates which are periodically fixed by the officers or Board of RC21.


  1. In accordace with Article 4.6 of the ISA Constitution, every member of the RC21 Board shall be a regular member in good standing (of the ISA and of RC21).
  2. The Board of RC21, to be elected every four years as specified in Article VIII, excepting (c), consists of
    1. the officers: the President, up to five Vice-Presidents (chosen to represent different geographical areas where they should promote RC21 activities), and the Secretary/Treasurer;
    2. up to 12 ordinary Board members.
    3. two ex-officio members: the immediate past President, and the Editor of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research;
  3. The first meeting of the Board will determine the allocation of the following roles among the ordinary Board members: a Summer School Coordinator, a Website and New Media editor, a Young Scholar Coordinator, and an RC21 representative on the board of IJURR (the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research).
  4. The tasks and functions of the Board, to be carried out conscientiously by the Board members to whom they are entrusted, are to:
    1. promote all the activities of RC21;
    2. organize a mid-term conference (or several) between World Congresses;
    3. nominate the delegate and alternate to the Research Council Meetings;
    4. nominate an RC21 representative on the board of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
    5. be responsible for communications with the ISA;
    6. be responsible for preparing a scientific programme for RC21 at the World Congress of Sociology;
    7. arrange the General Meeting of RC21;
    8. maintain a bank account;
    9. execute all decisions and be responsible for the running of RC21 between General Meetings;
    10. submit written reports on their activities at each General Meeting of RC21. These shall include reports on the Research Committee's activities, its Newsletter and its financial position;
  5. If any Board member resigns or if a majority of the Board determines that they are not fulfilling their duties adequately, the Board shall appoint a replacement for the duration of the mandate. If the President or the secretary resigns or if a majority of the Board determines that any of them are not fulfilling their duties adequately, the Board shall organize a new election.
  6. The mandate of all officers is four years. The President and Secretary/Treasurer can only be elected for one consecutive term. Other officers can only be re-elected for two consecutive terms in the same position, although they can serve up to three separate terms.


  1. A general meeting of RC21 shall be held during each World Congress of Sociology.
  2. Its functions are:
    1. to receive reports on the work of RC21 since the last general meeting;
    2. to receive reports on the finances of RC21 since the last general meeting;
    3. to elect the Board and officers of RC21 if the election did not take place by electronic ballot;
    4. to give guidance regarding the work of RC21, by passing resolutions or by other means;
    5. to discharge the outgoing board of its responsibilities – including financial.


  1. The election for any new Board Members shall take place by electronic ballot or at the General Meeting. The number of seats in dispute will be defined by the board previously to the voting process and announced by the President and the secretary together with the voting procedures. This number should reflect the number of board members with expiring mandates at the moment of the election.
  2. All RC21 members in good standing and all affiliated members shall be eligible to vote, either by electronic ballot or at the General Meeting, except in the cases covered by Article VI.v.
  3. All nominations must be submitted to the President and the Secretary 2 months before the General Meeting, i.e. 2 months before the first day of the congress in which the General Meeting takes place. All nominations must bear the signatures of at least one affiliated RC21 member and at least one RC21 member in good standing other than the nominee. Emails supporting a candidate equal a signature. Candidates must submit a candidature statement and a short CV.
  4. For the function of President, candidates should have served for at least one term as a Board member of RC21 (this does not need to be the term immediately preceding the elections).
  5. The quorum for the General Meeting shall be 20 members. The quorum for the electronic ballot is one-third of the RC21 affiliated members and members in good standing at the time of the ballot.
  6. Voting shall be by secret ballot and might take place electronically, following standard techniques of electronic secrecy. The outgoing President and Secretary are responsible to oversee and organize the vote, assisted by other board members.
  7. In the election for ordinary elected members the n persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. The figure n is identical to the number of ordinary members to be renewed. In the event of a tie, the choice among those receiving the same number of votes shall be decided by lot.


  1. The Board can initiate a procedure to revise the statutes. Any motion to amend the statutes shall be approved by the Board members at a simple majority,
  2. Such a motion should have the signatures of ten members of RC21 in good standing.
  3. Any motion to amend the statutes shall be sent to all RC21 members in good standing and affiliated members by e-mail.
  4. Motions to amend the statutes will be put to a vote at the General Meeting of the RC21 or through an electronic ballot, and come into effect if supported by a simple majority of those present. The quorum for the General Meeting shall be 20 members. The quorum for the electronic ballot is one-third of the RC21 affiliated members and members in good standing at the time of the ballot.