Research Committees

RC24 Environment and Society

Contact RC24 at

Established in 1971


  • To advance the field of environment and society by supporting research, teaching, training, and public sociology activities throughout the world;
  • To promote dialogue and deliberation on environment and society across continents and generations by enabling inclusive meetings, transdisciplinary conferences, and other similar activities;
  • To give voice to marginalised perspectives on environment and society including indigenous peoples and the global south through our activities;
  • To provide career building opportunities and support for environmental sociologists by providing opportunities for collaboration, connections, skill-sharing and networking;
  • To advance theory and research and highlight the relevance of research for environmental policy and management through our journal publication - Environmental Sociology.

To know more about the history of RC24, go to Bulletin 29 (1982), pp. 10-11.

Board 2023 - 2027

President Jo LINDSAY, Monash University, Australia,
Vice-President Catherine Mei Ling WONG, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Secretary Henrike RAU, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany,
Treasurer Mark C.J. STODDART, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada,
Board Members Kerry ARD, The Ohio State University, USA
Ajiang CHEN, Hohai University, China
Debra DAVIDSON, University of Alberta, Canada (RC24 Immediate Past President)
Josephine DIONISIO, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
Lotsmart FONJONG, University of Cincinnati, USA
Maria Gabriela MERLINSKY, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hiromi YAMASHITA, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

Program Coordinator for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 is:


Environmental Sociology is the ISA RC24 journal. It publishes sociological research on environmental challenges and issues to highlight the relevance of research for environmental policy and management.


Two issues a year. Available on RC24 website.


Dues: $50 (Discount: $20)  for a 4-year period.
To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account: