Research Committees


July 2016

Statutory rights and obligations

Research Committee 36, Alienation Theory and Research, is dedicated to investigating and developing theory and research concerning all forms of alienation in modern societies, carries out the relevant policies of the International Sociological Association, and follows the ISA Statutes. English, French, and Spanish are the recognized languages of the Association. The administrative language of the Association will be English.

The steering board

The activities of RC 36 are supervised by the Steering Board.

The election of the Steering Board takes place at the Business Meeting that is held in connection with the ISA World Congress. The mandate of the Steering Board corresponds with the four-year Congress period.

The Steering Board consists of a minimum of five members, including President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor. All Board members must be regular individual members of the ISA in good standing.

  • All Steering Board members must be members in good standing of both RC 36 and the ISA throughout their four-years mandates.
  • Replacing officials or other Board members when necessary, including those who resign, do not maintain their ISA and RC 36 memberships, or are otherwise unable to serve out their mandates, takes place through consultation between the Board members and the President or next in line.

The President is responsible for the overall organization and work program of RC 36 during the Congress period and reports to the Committee’s Business Meeting at the World Congress.

The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the membership list, archives, and internal correspondence.

The Treasurer is responsible for the Committee’s bank account(s) and delivers a financial report to the Committee’s Business Meeting at the World Congress.

The Steering Board selects the Committee’s delegate and alternate to the Research Council.


The election of Steering Board members is conducted in accordance with democratic procedures as approved by the ISA Research Council, and represents all Committee members in good standing.

The nomination of candidates takes place two months before the World Congress and is announced to the members of RC 36 prior to the World Congress.

The election is held at the Business Meeting at the World Congress by means of written ballots. Written votes can be submitted either by regular mail, e-mail, or by hand to authorized members in good standing.

Vacancies on the Board that arise between World Congresses are filled through appointment by the RC 36 President after consultation with the Steering Group.


RC 36 members are expected to be ISA individual members in good standing. Only such members are entitled to vote concerning the affairs of RC 36.

Membership in RC 36

  • Membership dues are 40 US$ for a four-year period. The fee for students and Committee members from Category 3 countries is 25 US$.
  • Affiliated members, that is, those who are not members of the ISA, cannot be members of the Board. They are not counted in determining the amount of the activity grant and the number of sessions at a World Congress for which RC 36 is eligible.
  • A list of affiliated members should be sent to the ISA Secretariat by January 31st of each year.
  • Membership dues are payable directly to the ISA. Affiliated members may pay membership fees directly to the Secretary or another recognized officer of RC 36.


RC 36 includes a broad range of areas and approaches within its activities. The Steering Board organizes a program of activities at each World Congress and at least one independent meeting between successive World Congresses.

RC 36 publishes a newsletter for communication among the membership concerning the Committee’s activities and other relevant types of material. At least one issue of the RC 36 Newsletter will be published each year.

RC 36 is represented on the ISA Research Council, on which it has one vote. One representative and one alternate who may stand in for the representative are elected by the Steering Board.

The Steering Board may invite others to take part in the activities of RC 36 as guests or special participants, but priority is given to the members of RC 36. Affiliated members are accepted on these conditions.

Beyond the points listed above, RC 36 is free to organize itself as it wishes, to administer its own funds, to engage in any activities it considers appropriate to its objectives, and to cooperate with other academic and non-academic bodies.

A Business Meeting will be held at the World Congress. Consultative Business Meetings may be held at interim conferences or when the Board decides.

Interim conference

  • At least one international conference must be held between successive World Congresses.
  • Acceptable alternatives to a free-standing conference include organizing several sessions at a meeting of another association, co-sponsoring a meeting with another association, or having several sessions in conjunction with several different associations.

Election procedure

Provisions are to be made for nominating and voting by e-mail and/or regular mail so that all members can participate in elections to the Steering Board even if they cannot attend the World Congress.

  • The schedule for the election process will allow nominees to make plans for attending the World Congress.
  • Provisions will allow for members to indicate their interest in being considered for nomination.
  • New members will take office at the World Congress (or a regularly scheduled interim conference) in order to ensure the continuity of activities and allow for discussion and planning at a face-to-face meeting.

Revisions of statutes/bylaws

  • Proposed amendments to the Statutes are to be sent to the President or Secretary a minimum of three months prior to the regular World Congress.
  • Changes will be voted at the Committee’s Business Meeting at the World Congress.
  • A simple majority vote is required for a proposed change to be adopted. Those unable to attend the meeting may vote by e-mail or regular mail.