Research Committees

Past Boards

1. Working Group

Funded: 1990

President Krzysztof PRZECLAWSKI, Poland
Vice-President Marie-Françoise LANFANT, France
Secretary Urszula GORAK, Poland
Vice-President Jacques de WEERDT, France
Members Paris TSARTAS, Greece
Meaghan MORRIS, Australia
Asterio SAVELLI, Italy
Graham M.S. DANN, Barbados

2. Research Committee

Recognized: 1994

President Graham M. S. DANN, Barbados
Vice-President Nelson GRABURN, USA
Keith HOLLINSHEAD, United Kingdom
Marie-Françoise LANFANT, France
Secretary/Treasurer Jan W. te KLOEZE, Netherlands
President Marie-Françoise LANFANT, France
Vice-Presidents Graham M. S. DANN, Barbados
Keith HOLLINSHEAD, United Kingdom
Secretary-Treasurer Jan W. te KLOEZE, Netherlands
Communications Officer Tom SELANNIEMI, Finland
President Giuliana LIEBMAN PARRINELLO, Italy
Vice-Presidents Ning WANG, China
Jens Kristian STEEN JACOBSEN, Norway
Margaret SWAIN, USA
Secretary/Treasurer Jan W. te KLOEZE, Netherlands
President Jaap LENGKEEK, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Secretary/Treasurer Jan TE KLOEZE, WICE-DSL, Netherlands
Vice-Presidents Giuliana LIEBMAN PARRINELLO, Universitá Roma Tre, Italy
Elizabeth MATHEW, Loyola College of Social Sciences, India
Ishwar MODI, Rajasthan Sociological Association, India
Margaret SWAIN, University of California,USA
Co-Presidents Bihu WU, Beijing University, P.R. China
Margaret SWAIN, University of California, Davis, USA
Vice-Presidents For World Congress programme Hasso SPODE, Free University Berlin, Germany
Jens Kr. Steen JACOBSEN, University of Stavanger, Norway
For mid-term conference Honggen XIAO, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, P.R. China
Scott MCCABE, Nottingham University, United Kingdom
Elizabeth MATHEW, College of Social Sciences, India
For Publications Shalini SINGH, Brock University, Canada
Kevin MEETHAN, University of Plymouth,  United Kingdom
Secretary and Treasurer Jan TE KLOEZE, Foundation WICE- DSL, The Netherlands
and Promotion Officer
Stephanie M. HOM, University of Oklahoma, USA
President Rami ISAAC, NHTV Breda University, Netherlands
Vice-Presidents For seminar during World Congresses Jens Kr. Steen JACOBSEN,  University of Stavanger, Norway
Scott MCCABE, Nottingham University, United Kingdom
For in-between seminars Shalini SINGH, Brock University, Canada (resigned, 2015)
Erdinc CAKMAK, NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands (coopted, 2016-2018)
Hazel TUCKER, University of Otago, New Zealand
For Publications Keith HOLLINSHEAD, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Secretary Milka IVANOVA, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Treasurer Jan TE KLOEZE, Foundation WICE- DSL, Netherlands
and Promotion Officer
Stephanie M. HOM , University of Oklahoma, USA
Co-Presidents Hazel TUCKER, University of Otago, New Zealand
Lynn MINNAERT, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Vice-Presidents Program, World Congress of Sociology Scott MCCABE, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Can-Seng OOI, University of Tasmania, New Zealand
Mid-Term Conference Rami ISAAC, Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Erdinc CAKMAK, Breda University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Publications Keith HOLLINSHEAD, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Rukeya SULEMAN, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Secretaries Milka IVANOVA, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom
Jundan (Jasmine) ZHANG, Uppsala University, Sweden
Treasurer Rami ISAAC,Centre for Sustainability, Tourism & Transport, The Netherlands
and Promotion Officer
Heather MAIR, University of Waterloo, Canada

Program Coordinators for XX ISA World Congress 2023 were:
Can-Seng OOI