Junior Sociologists
List of abstracts
We found 1014 results.
Social Change in a Rural Area in the Tourism Field: A Case Study of Hui Village
Zhou, Chunfa
State, Law, and Value Form: Research on the Limits of Legal Regulation on Contemporary Capitalism
Nascimento, Joelton
Alternative Globalization in Lebanon: A Space of Passage. Rationale of Commitment and the Restructuring of (Left-Wing) Activist Space.
AbiYaghi, Marie-Noelle
The State, Huzu, and Peasants: Village Politics in Guanzhong Area, 1952-1966 -A Case Study of Huang Village
Huang, Rui
Space, Security and Violence in an Enclaved City: The Case of Karachi
Kaker, Sobia A
Migration and Economic Integration: The Impact of the Implementation of the Federal Skilled Workers Program of Canada on Highly Skilled Visible Minorities. Rhetoric and Realities.
Anderson, Helen O
The Hybridization of Vocational Training and Higher Education in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Graf, Lukas
Mobile Participation in Urban Planning
Ertiö, Titiana
Just Like Everyone Else? Locating South Asians in 21st Century American Popular Media
Thakore, Bhoomi K
Everything but the Funnel Cake: Cultural Production in the University of Puerto Rico Student Occupation of 2010
Everhart, Katherine
Social Networks of Migrants: The Organization of Graduates of the Algerian Diaspora in France - Coordination and Development (1962-2012)
Smail, Idir
Urban Climate Governance: Discourses and Policies on the Issue of Climate Change. Comparison of Quebec City, Canada and Genoa, Italy.
Scanu, Emiliano
Hidden Inequalities: Rwandan Female Politicians’ Experiences of Balancing Family and Political Responsibilities.
Uvuza, Justine N.
Demographic and Socio-economic Characteristics and Motivations for Migration among Mexicans in Australia: The Experience of New and Young Professionals
Vazquez Maggio, M. Laura
Culture-Based Education In State Universities in the Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines
Martin, Jessie Grace S
Connections and Controversies in the INCRA of Marabá: The State as an Heterogeneous Actor
Penna, Camila
Global News Flows: News Exchange Relationships among News Agencies in Southern Africa
Jansen, Zanetta L
Partnership-Based Governance : A Powerful Driver of the Development of Rural Communities
Bisson, Luc
Drupal as a Commons-Based Peer Production Community: A Sociological Perspective
Rozas, David
Identification in European Migration
Grigorescu, Alexandra
The Production of Women Onlyness: Women's Flat Track Roller Derby and Women-only Home Improvement Workshops
Donnelly, Michele K
The Heart of the Affair: Contemporary Disputes in Domestic Service Employment Relationships
Abrantes, Manuel
The Formation Process of the “National Orthodoxy” Regime in Contemporary Russia: A Study of Global Sociology
Miyakawa, Shinichi
Volunteering As a Motivation Factor For Older People
Pavelek, Lukas
Intergenerational Relations of Young Adults
Bertogg, Ariane C
State Imaginaries and the Movements against the Vietnam and Iraq Wars
Brissette, Emily
Archiving and secondary analysis of qualitative data
Smioski, Andrea
Genealogy of Marketing: Consumer Capitalism between Rationalization and Reenchantment
Silla, Cesare
Impact of Social Capital on Food Security in Southeast Uganda
Sseguya, Haroon
Invisible Men: Constructing Men Who Have Sex with Men as a Global AIDS Priority at UNAIDS and Beyond
McKay, Tara