ISA Past Presidents
Margaret Abraham

President 2014-2018
Hofstra University, USA
1960 | -
Personal Website:
ISA Presidential Letters 2014-2018
- B.A. (Honours) in Sociology, minors in Pol. Science and History, Delhi University, India 1982.
- M.A. in Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, India, 1984.
- Ph.D. in Sociology, Syracuse University, USA 1989.
Posts held
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Syracuse University (1985 - 1988)
- Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Syracuse University (1990 - 1996)
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Hofstra University (1990 - 1996)
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Hofstra University (1996 - 2002)
- Director, Women’s Studies Program, Hofstra University (2000 - 2001)
- Chair, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, Hofstra University (2000 - 2003)
- Professor of Sociology, Hofstra University (2002 – Present)
ISA participation, main roles
2006-2010 ISA RC32 Co-President
2010-2014 ISA Vice-President for Research
2014-2018 ISA President
Participation in other settings, Editorial boards, etc
Sociology of Ethnicity and Race Book Series, Sociological Studies, Journal of Sociology, Gender & Society, Sociological Perspectives, Journal Violence Against Women, Current Sociology Monograph Series, ASA Rose Series in Sociology
Special Advisor to the Provost for Diversity Initiatives, Hofstra University (2008-2015), Vice-President, Research, International Sociological Association (2010-2014), American Sociological Association, National Representative to ISA (2010-2014), Section Officer, Asia and Asian America Section, American Sociological Association (2009-2012), Co-President, International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Women in Society (2006-2010)
References, other sources of information, related work
- Contours of Citizenship: Women, Diversity and Practices of Citizenship. (Co-edited) Margaret Abraham (Lead Editor), Esther Ngan-ling Chow, Laura Maratou-Alipranti, Evangelia Tastsoglou Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Aldenshot, Hampshire, UK.2010.
- Speaking the Unspeakable: Marital Violence Among South Asians in the U.S. Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick New Jersey: June 2000 (reprinted 2002).
- Special Issue: Making a Difference: Linking Research and Action in Practice, Pedagogy and Policy for Social Justice. Current Sociology, Monograph Series, SAGE. March 2012. (Co-edited with Bandana Purkayastha).
- “Selbstmord als protest und das streben nach sozialer gerechtigkeit: Öffentliche soziologie für eine bessere welt” (Protest suicides and the quest for social justice: Public sociology for a better world) (pp. 243-259). In: Aulenbacher, B., Burawoy, M., Dörre, K., & Sittel, J. (Eds.) Öffentliche Soziologie. (German) Campus Verlag: Campus Verlag Frankfurt/New York, 2017.
- “Interrogating gender, violence, and the state in national and transnational contexts: Framing the issues”, Current Sociology, 64(4), July. Pp. 517–534, (co-authored by Abraham, M. & Tastsoglou, E.) 2016.
- “Addressing domestic violence in Canada and the United States: The uneasy co-habitation of women and the state”, (co-authored by Abraham, M. & Tastsoglou, E.) Current Sociology, 64(4), July. Pp. 568–585, 2017.
- “The Intersections of Protest Suicides, Oppression and Social Justice”. Sociologies in Dialogue, Journal of Brazilian Sociological Society, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Vol 1, No. 1, July-Dec 2015.
- “Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk: Linking Research and Action on Domestic Violence”, Sociologists in Action on Inequalities: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, California, 2015.
- “Strengthening Sociology’s Commitment to Social Justice”. Global Dialogue, International Sociological Association, vol. 4, No. 3, September 2014.
- Introduction: Making a Difference: Linking Research and Action in Practice, Pedagogy and Policy for Social Justice. Current Sociology, Sage. (Co-authored with Bandana Purkayastha), March 2012.
- “Transforming Place and Belonging through Action Research, Community Practice, and Public Policy: Comparing Responses to NIMBYism”. Current Sociology, Sage. (Co-authored with Gregory Maney), March 2012.
- “Globalization, Work and Citizenship: The Call Centre Industry in India”. In Contours of Citizenship: Women, Diversity and Practices of Citizenship. Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2010.
- “Rethinking Citizenship with Women in Focus.” Contours of Citizenship: Women, Diversity and Practices of Citizenship. (Co-authored with Esther Ngan-ling Chow, Laura Maratou. Evangelia Tastsoglou) Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2010.
- “Whose Backyard? Boundary Making in NIMBY Opposition to Immigrant Services.” (Co-authored with Gregory Maney) Social Justice, 2009.
- “Globalization and the Call Center Industry”, Review Essay in International Sociology Review of Book, 2008.
- “Ethnicity and Marginality: A Study of Indian Jewish Immigrants in Israel” Indian Diaspora in West Asia: A Reader ed. Prakash C. Jain. Manohar Publishers: New Delhi, 2007. (Reprint).
- “Infanticide” Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, Macmillan Library Reference, 2006.
- “Model Minority and Marital Violence: South Asian Immigrants in the United States” Chapter in Cultural Psychology of Immigrants. Editor, Ram Mahalingam. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Publishers, 2006.
- “Domestic Violence and the Indian Diaspora in the United States” Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 2005. (Also reprinted in Marriage and Migration editors, Rajni Palriwala and Patricia Uberoi, Sage Publication, 2007).
- “Serving Limited English Proficient (LEP) Battered Women: A National Survey of the Courts' Capacity to Provide Protection Orders Conducted by National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, VA. (Co-authored report on NIJ-sponsored project)., 2006.
- “South Asian Immigrant Women’s HIV/AIDS Related Issues: An Exploratory Study of New York City. (Co-authored with Roopa Chakkappan and Sung Won Park). Published by APICHA, 2005.
- “Strategies of Resistance” Chapter in volume edited by Natalie Sokoloff and Christine Pratt. Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings in Race, Class, Gender and Culture. Rutgers University Press, 2005
- “Addressing Domestic Violence and Challenging the Model Minority Community of South Asians in the United States,” Intersections and Divergences: Contemporary Asian American Communities. Edited by R. Bonus and L. Vo. Temple University Press, 2002.
- "Immigrant Status and Marital Violence," Women and the Politics of Violence. Editor, Taisha Abraham, New Delhi: Shakti Books, 2002.
- "Femicide," Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women's Studies, Spring 2001.
- "Infanticide," Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women's Studies, Spring 2001.
- “Reflections on Doing Research.” Comments in Asian Mode 1999-2000. Issue 2, March 2000.
- “Isolation as a Social Factor in Marital Violence: The South Asian Immigrant Experience” Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, vol.9, No.3, 2000.
- “Sexual Abuse in South Asian Immigrant Marriages.” Violence Against Women, vol.5, No. 6, 2000.
- “Speaking the Unspeakable: Marital Violence Among the South Asian Community in the United States." Indian Journal of Gender Studies vol.5 No.2 Aug-Dec, 1998.
- “Marital Violence and Alienation among South Asian Immigrant Women in the United States. Designs on Alienation editor, Devorah Kalekin-Fishman. Finland: Sophi Press, 1998.
- "Ethnicity, Gender, and Marital Violence: South Asian Women's Organizations in the United States." Gender & Society Vol.9 No.4, August 1995.
- "Ethnicity and Marginality: Indian Jewish Immigrants in Israel", South Asian Bulletin, 1995.
Presidential address
Abraham, M. (2019). Power, violence, and justice: Reflections, responses and responsibilities, International Sociology, 34(3), 243–255.