Research networks

TG12 Social Love and Solidarity

Established in September 2023.


Our mission is to bring together scholars and researchers from diverse cultural and sociological backgrounds who share a passion for exploring social love as a distinct form of solidarity.
Within our thematic group, social love assumes a public dimension that serves as the cornerstone of solidarity among individuals, groups, and entire populations. It encompasses critical actions, interactions, and social relationships devoid of calculation and expectations of return, involving giving, receiving, the rejection of retaliation, and the nurturing of understanding. Going beyond the confines of primary, familial, and intimate connections, it extends to those who are different from us, such as strangers and foreigners, with a particular emphasis on the most vulnerable, future generations, and even nature itself. In this sense, social love manifests as the care for others and the world.

  • Research Analysis: We aim to establish social love as a distinctive area of research, shedding light on its various facets and dimensions, while examining the factors that promote and hinder it at different analytical levels (micro, macro, and meso levels).
  • Theoretical Framework: By reevaluating classical and contemporary sociological literature, we seek to develop a comprehensive analytical framework for understanding social love as an expression of the critical potential of people and solidarity driver.
  • Methodological Advancements: We are dedicated to exploring innovative methodologies that enable a deeper exploration of social love within diverse sociocultural contexts.

Join us on this remarkable journey. Let's come together to explore, analyze, and experience social love and its role in fostering solidarity in our research and in our lives. Together, we can make a difference and advocate for a sociological understanding of the critical and transformative potential of people in loving the world. Welcome to the Thematic Group 12 on Social Love and Solidarity!

Board 2023 - 2027

Coordinators   Silvia CATALDI, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy,
William CALVO-QUIROS, University of Michigan, USA,
General Secretary/External Relations Manager   Angelica DE SENA, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Senior Advisor   Paulo HENRIQUE MARTINS, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Social Media Manager      Paolo PARRA SAIANI, University of Genoa, Italy,
Board Members   Agnès Marie KEUHO TCHOFFO, Université de Douala, Cameroon 
Maritza VASQUEZ REYES, University of Connecticut, USA  
Jay GALLERA MALAGA, University of the South Pacific, Fiji

Program Coordinators for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 are:
Angelica DE SENA,

Participative Committee
TG12 features a dedicated participation body consisting of registered members keen to collaborate on TG's decision-making and direction alongside the Board.
To become a part of it, please get in touch with the Coordinators and the Secretary-General via email.


Regular Member: USD 20 for a 4-year period.
Discount member (students up to PhD; members residing in countries classified in category B and C): USD 10 for a 4-year period
To become a member, send an email to