Working Groups

WG10 Digital Sociology

Thematic Group 10 established in March 2020. Upgraded to Working Group 10 in 2024.


The aim of the Working Group 10 – Digital Sociology of the International Sociological Association is to encourage research of high quality on the intersection between Digital Technologies and Society.

  • To establish a network of sociologists working in the ‘Digital’ in order to advance the theoretical, empirical, methodological, and socioethical knowledge produced in the field.
  • To allow fruitful interactions across various ISA groups that are working on connected issues.
  • To provide an alternative to other existing organizations dealing with Digital Issues, focused on issues, perspectives and approaches that are of interest of the sociological community, acting as an international home for scholars in various stages of their academic career in this field. Also, create synergies with local, national or regional  research organizations dealing with similar issues, with the aim to disseminate contents and knowledge of common interest and to share activities.
  • To attract new scholars to WG10 sessions at ISA conferences and foster the research in the realm of Digital Sociology as a central issue in current research trends.
  • To create new opportunities for meeting, publishing, mentoring students and share information.


Steering Committee 2020 - 2022. Extended 2023

President David DUEÑAS-CID, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, and Kozminski University, Poland,
Vice-President Esther BRAININ, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
Secretary Damilola ADEGOKE, King’s College, United Kingdom,
Treasurer Tanja CARSTENSEN, Ludwig Maximilians University München, Germany
Community Managers Karolina MIKOLAJEWSKA-ZAJAC, University of Queensland, Australia
Matías VALDERRAMA, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Publication Committee Barbara BARBOSA NEVES, Monash University, Australia
Attila MARTON, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Anu MASSO, Tartu University and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Anabel QUAN-HAASE, Western University, Canada
Laura ROBINSON, Santa Clara University, USA
Extended Board Members Anna DOMARADZKA, University of Warsaw, Poland
Marta ORTEGA-GASPAR, Universidad de Málaga, Spain
Shira RIVNAI BAHIR, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Pilar RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ, Universidad de Almería, Spain
Jelica STEFANOVIC-STAMBUK, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Program Coordinators for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 are:


Regular member:  USD20 for a 4-year period
Discount member (students up to PhD and members residing in countries classified in category B and C):  USD10 for a 4-year period
To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:


Available on WG10 website.