Working Groups

WG06 Institutional Ethnography

Thematic Group 06 established in 2011. Upgraded to Working Group 06 in 2020.


To develop international contacts among sociologists and social activists interested in institutional ethnography as a mode of inquiry; to encourage the worldwide exchange of research findings, methodological advances and theoretical developments relevant to institutional ethnography; to promote international meetings and research collaboration by scholars and social activists using institutional ethnography.

Board 2021 - 2024

President Liza MCCOY, University of Calgary, Canada,
Co-President Frank T. Y. WANG, Chengchi University, Taiwan, 
Vice-President Rebecca LUND, University of Oslo, Norway,
Secretary-Treasurer Debra TALBOT, University of Sydney, Australia,
Board Members

LaNysha ADAMS, Edlinguist® Solutions LLC, USA
Kjeld HOGSBRO, Aalborg University, Denmark
Adriana SUAREZ-DELUCCHI, Bristol University, United Kingdom  
Morena TARTARI, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Program Coordinators for V ISA Forum of Sociology 2025 are:
Sarah MURRU,


Dues for a 4-year period:

  • Category A: USD 40 
  • Category B: USD 20 
  • Category C and students: USD 10

Table of countries per category

To become a member, submit a membership application from your user account:


2023   Jun   Nov
2022 Mar      Dec
2021   Jun    
2020 Mar     Dec
2019   Jun    
2018   Jun   Dec
2017       Dec
2016       Nov
2014   Jun    
2013 Feb      Aug  Decr
2012   Jun    
2011       Nov